2023-09-28 12:02:47 來源:中國教育在線
CS Professor Earns Award for Pioneering Security Research
Thursday November 21 2019
Professor Wenke Lee recently received the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) Outstanding Innovation Award. He is one of several School of Computer Science (SCS) researchers honored at the group’s ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) in London this month.
Wenke Lee教授最近獲得了ACM安全、審計和控制特別興趣小組(SIGSAC)杰出創(chuàng)新獎,他是本月在倫敦舉行的計算機與通信安全(CCS)ACM會議上獲得殊榮的幾位計算機科學學院(SCS)研究人員之一。
Lee was recognized for his pioneering contributions to network and systems security. His team was among the first to study how adversaries can subvert machine learning (ML)-based systems. Their work brought ML to security analytics such as tackling intrusion and botnet detection.
“While it is now a standard practice to apply ML to security analytics, we developed the first comprehensive ML framework for intrusion detection 20 years ago, and our papers have since been cited several thousands of times,” Lee said.
Lee’s team has continued to pursue forward-looking research in this important intersection of ML and security. Their recent work focuses on protecting user privacy in deep-learning based biometric authentication and surveillance.
“I have been very fortunate to have the opportunities to work on interesting research projects with my mentors, colleagues, and students in my career,” Lee said. “This award is really for all of us.”
SCS received multiple awards at the conference. Lee’s students earned the best paper award. Kangjie Lu, a former student of Lee and SCS Associate Professor Taesoo Kim, and SCS research scientist Hong Hu won for their paper, Where Does It Go? Refining Indirect-Call Targets with Multi-Layer Type Analysis.
SCS在大會上獲得多項獎項。Lee的學生獲得了最佳論文獎。Kangjie Lu和SCS副教授金Taesoo Kim的前學生Kangjie Lu和SCS研究科學家Hong Hu的論文獲獎,他們的論文到哪里去了?用多層類型分析法細化間接呼叫目標。
SCS Assistant Professor Paul Pearce was also given the runner-up of the 2019 ACS SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award.