2023-10-21 13:09:37 來源:中國教育在線
1.加州大學戴維分校斯UC Davis
根據(jù)QS數(shù)據(jù),UC Davis在美國農(nóng)林科學領域排名第一。農(nóng)學院下面有13個系,包括:
1) Agricultural and Resource Economics
2) Animal Science
3) Biological and Agricultural Engineering
4) Entomology and Nematology
5) Environmental Science and Policy
6) Environmental Toxicology
7) Food Science and Technology
8) Nutrition, Human Ecology
9) Land, Air and Water Resources
10) Plant Science
11) Plant Pathology
12) Viticulture and Enology
13) Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology
其中plant science, animal science, agricultural economics and policy領域的研究都排在世界上最前列。全院有381位教職人員,7485名本科生分布在29個專業(yè)下,1040名研究生分布在22個項目和科研組下。同時,UC Davis地處加州,海洋、森林和大面積的種植區(qū)域提供了豐富的研究資源。
2.康奈爾大學Cornell University
1) Animal Science
2) Biological and Environmental Engineering
3) Computational Biology,
4) Communication
5) Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
6) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
7) Entomology,
8) Food Science
9) Global Development
10) Landscape Architecture
11) Microbiology,
12) Molecular Biology
13) Natural resources and Environment
14) Neurobiology and Behavior
15) Nutritional Sciences
16) Statistics and Data Science
1) School of Integrative Plant Science
2) Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
1) Animal science MS, PhD,
2) Biological and Environmental Engineering MS, PhD, MPS
3) Entomology MS, PhD
4) Food Science and Technology MS, PhD, MPS
5) Horticulture MPS, MS, PhD
6) Natural Resources MPS, MS, PhD
7) Nutrition MS, PhD
8) Plant Biology PhD, MPS
9) Plant Breeding MS, PhD, MPS
10) Plant Pathology MS, PhD
11) Soil and Crop Sciences MS, PhD, MPS
學校的提供的科研設施包括9個農(nóng)場,4個溫室,和科研中心(Centers of Excellence for Food Agriculture,Cornell Craft Beverage Institute, 和 Venture Food Center)。
3.加州大學伯克利分校UC Berkeley
Berkeley的自然資源學院是整個UC系統(tǒng)里歷史最悠久的學院。AgricultureEconomics,Environment 和Ecology的專業(yè)排名非??壳啊?/p>
? GeneticsPlant Biology
? Microbial Biology
? Nutritional SciencesToxicology
? Environmental Sciences
? Environmental Economics And Policy
1) AgriculturalResource Economics:
? Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics
2) PlantMicrobial Biology:
? Ph.D. in Plant Biology
? Ph.D. in Microbiology
3)Environmental Science, PolicyManagement
? Master of Forestry
? Master of Science in Range Management
? Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy,Management
4) Nutritional SciencesToxicology
? Masters Degree (M.A. or M.S.) in EnergyResources
? Ph.D. in EnergyResources
? Master of Development Practice
5) EnergyResources Group
UIUC的農(nóng)學院有著非常豐富的研究設施和基地,并且有2700名本科生,和738名研究生。本科專業(yè)有13個,研究生項目有29個(包括Master, PhD),分布在以下系中:
1) Agricultural and Biological Engineering
2) Agricultural and Consumer Economice
3) Agricultural Education
4) Animal Sciences
5) Technical Systems Management
6) Crop Sciences
7) Food Science and Human Nutrition
8) Human Development and Family Studies
9) Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences(Agroecology/Sustainable Agriculture Program)
10) Division of Nutritional Sciences