2024-05-19 17:56:11 來源:中國教育在線
劍橋大學各院系所有專業(yè)【一】Centre of African StudiesDepartment of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
PhD in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Animal Health TrustPhD in Animal Health
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsMASt in Applied Mathematics
PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
MPhil in Computational Biology
MPhil in Scientific Computing
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
PhD in Mathematical Analysis
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern StudiesPhD in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Arabic Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Arabic Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Aramaic Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Chinese Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Chinese Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Hebrew Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Hebrew Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Japanese Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies)
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (South Asian Studies)
Division of ArchaeologyMPhil in Archaeological Research
MPhil in Archaeology
PhD in Archaeology
MPhil in Assyriology
MPhil in Egyptology
Department of BiochemistryPhD in Biochemistry
MPhil in Biological Science (Biochemistry)
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
MPhil + PhD in Developmental Biology
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
Division of Biological AnthropologyMPhil in Applied Biological Anthropology
MPhil in Biological Anthropological Science
PhD in Biological Anthropology
MPhil in Human Evolutionary Studies
British Antarctic SurveyPhD in Antarctic Studies
Cambridge Crystallographic Data CentrePhD in Chemistry (CCDC)
Cambridge Institute for Medical ResearchMPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
Cancer Research UK Cambridge InstituteMPhil in Medical Science (CRUKCI)
PhD in Medical Science (CRUKCI)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MRC Cancer UnitPhD in Medical Science (MRC Cancer Unit)
MPhil in Medical Science (MRC Cancer Unit)
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
Faculty of Architecture and History of ArtMSt in Building History
Department of ArchitecturePhD in Architecture
MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design
MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies
MSt in Building History
MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture
MSt in Sustainability Leadership
Institute of AstronomyMPhil in Astronomy
PhD in Astronomy
MASt in Astrophysics
Babraham InstitutePhD in Biological Science (Babraham Institute)
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of Chemical Engineering and BiotechnologyMPhil in Advanced Chemical Engineering
MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise
PhD in Biotechnology
PhD in Chemical Engineering
MPhil in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Sensor Technologies and Applications
MPhil in Scientific Computing
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of ChemistryMPhil in Chemistry
PhD in Chemistry
MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise
MPhil in Scientific Computing
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
PhD in Chemistry (CCDC)
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Faculty of ClassicsMPhil in Classics
PhD in Classics
Department of Clinical BiochemistryPhD in Clinical Biochemistry
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
MPhil in Medical Science (Clinical Biochemistry)
Wellcome Trust MRes + PhD in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease
MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of Clinical NeurosciencesPhD in Clinical Neurosciences
MPhil in Medical Science (Clinical Neurosciences)
MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Faculty of Computer Science and TechnologyMPhil in Advanced Computer Science
PhD in Computer Science
Institute of Continuing EducationPostgraduate Certificate in Medical Education
MSt in Advanced Subject Teaching
MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management
MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
MSt in Construction Engineering
MSt in Creative Writing
MSt in History
MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment
MSt in Sustainability Leadership
MSt in Social Innovation
MSt in Real Estate
MSt in Building History
Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Value Chains
Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies
Institute of CriminologyMSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management
MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
MPhil in Criminological Research
MPhil in Criminology
PhD in Criminology
Centre of Development StudiesMPhil in Development Studies
PhD in Development Studies
Faculty of DivinityMPhil in Theology and Religious Studies
CPGS in Theology and Religious Studies
MLitt in Theology and Religious Studies
PhD in Theology and Religious Studies
Advanced Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies
Department of Earth SciencesMPhil in Earth Sciences
PhD in Earth Sciences
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Faculty of EconomicsMPhil in Economic Research
MPhil in Economics
PhD in Economics
Advanced Diploma in Economics
MPhil in Finance and Economics
Faculty of EducationMSt in Advanced Subject Teaching
PhD in Education
Doctor of Education
Master of Education (Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling)
MPhil in Education (Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling)
MPhil in Education (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)
Master of Education (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)
MPhil in Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement)
Master of Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement)
MPhil in Education (Educational Research)
Master of Education (Educational Research)
MPhil in Education (Globalisation and International Development)
Master of Education (Mathematics Education)
MPhil in Education (Mathematics Education)
MPhil in Education (Primary Education)
Master of Education (Primary Education)
MPhil in Education (Psychology and Education)
Master of Education (Psychology and Education)
MPhil in Education (Research in Second Language Education)
Master of Education (Research in Second Language Education)
Master of Education (Researching Practice)
Master of Education (Science Teacher Researchers and Practitioners)
Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies: Contemporary Issues in Music Education
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies: Dialogic Teaching
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies: Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies: Teaching Advanced Mathematics
Postgraduate Award in Educational Studies: Understanding Shakespeare through Performance
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies: Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Department of EngineeringMSt in Construction Engineering
MPhil in Energy Technologies
MPhil in Engineering
PhD in Engineering
MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Gas Turbine Aerodynamics
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Graphene Technology
MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Integrated Photonic and Electronic Systems
MPhil in Machine Learning, Speech and Language Technology
MPhil in Nuclear Energy
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Ultra Precision Engineering
MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment
MSt in Sustainability Leadership
MPhil in Scientific Computing
MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
Faculty of EnglishMPhil in American Literature
MSt in Creative Writing
PhD in English (18th Century and Romantic Literature)
PhD in English (American Literature)
PhD in English (Criticism and Culture)
PhD in English (Medieval Literature)
PhD in English (Modern and Contemporary Literature)
PhD in English (Renaissance Literature)
MLitt in English Literature
MPhil in English Studies: 18th Century and Romantic Studies
MPhil in English Studies: Criticism and Culture
MPhil in English Studies: Modern and Contemporary Literature
MPhil in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
MSt in Advanced Subject Teaching
MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
PhD in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
European Bioinformatics InstitutePhD in Biological Science (EBI)
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of FrenchPhD in French
Centre for Gender StudiesMPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
PhD in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
Department of GeneticsMPhil in Biological Science (Genetics)
PhD in Genetics
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
MPhil + PhD in Developmental Biology
Department of Geography and Scott Polar Research InstituteMPhil in Conservation Leadership
MPhil in Geographical Research
MPhil in Geography
PhD in Geography
MPhil in Polar Studies (Scott Polar Research Institute)
PhD in Polar Studies (Scott Polar Research Institute)
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Department of German and DutchPhD in German
Gurdon InstituteMPhil + PhD in Developmental Biology
Department of HaematologyMPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of History and Philosophy of SciencePhD in History and Philosophy of Science
MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
Department of History of ArtPhD in History of Art
MPhil in History of Art and Architecture
Faculty of HistoryMPhil in American History
MPhil in Early Modern History
MPhil in Economic and Social History
MPhil in Historical Studies
PhD in History
MSt in History
MPhil in Medieval History
MPhil in Modern British History
MPhil in Modern European History
MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History
MPhil in World History
MSt in Advanced Subject Teaching
Department of ItalianPhD in Italian