2024-05-20 17:10:07 來源:中國教育在線
英國二等二級(Lower Second Class): 相當于美國 GPA3.0-3.29,中國重點院校平均分75分以上。二等二級成績又可寫成2:2,換算成百分比是50-59%, 是僅次于二等一級成績,得分人數(shù)第二多的成績,大約有29%的畢業(yè)生拿到這個成績
1 UCL 倫敦大學學院
專業(yè)推薦:Construction Economics and Management
Project and Enterprise Management
Strategic Management of Projects
2.KCL 倫敦大學國王學院
專業(yè)推薦:Mobile Personal Communications MSc (Department of Informatics)
Electronic Engineering with Management MSc
3.University of Manchester 曼徹斯特大學
專業(yè)推薦: Development Finance MSc
Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc
Real Estate Asset Management MSc
4.University of Warwick 華威大學
專業(yè)推薦: WMG學院
5.University of Sheffield 謝菲爾德大學
專業(yè)推薦: MSc Business Finance Economics
6.University of Southampton南安普頓大學
專業(yè)推薦: Advertising Design Management (M)
Design Management (M)
Fashion Management (M)
Fashion Marketing and Branding (M)
Global Media Management (M)
Luxury Brand Management (M)
7.Royal Holloway University 皇家霍洛威大學
專業(yè)推薦: International Management (MSc)
8.University of East Anglia 東英吉利大學
專業(yè)推薦: MSc International Accounting and Financial Management
MSc Finance and Management
MA International Business Finance and Economics
MSc Finance and Economics
9.Queen Mary University of London 倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院
專業(yè)推薦: Banking and Finance
10.Surrey University薩里大學
專業(yè)推薦: MSc Business and Management
MSc International Financial Management
專業(yè)推薦:MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Marketing Management