2024-05-26 12:50:28 來(lái)源:中國(guó)教育在線
University of Cambridge
各院系所有專業(yè)【二】Judge Business SchoolMaster of Business Administration
Executive Master of Business Administration
Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Master of Finance
MPhil in Finance
MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation
MPhil in Management
PhD in Management Studies
MRes + PhD in Management Studies
MSt in Social Innovation
MPhil in Strategy, Marketing and Operations
MPhil in Technology Policy
MSt in Construction Engineering
MSt in Sustainability Leadership
Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business
Department of Land EconomyMPhil in Environmental Policy
MPhil in Land Economy
PhD in Land Economy
MPhil in Land Economy Research
MPhil in Planning, Growth and Regeneration
MSt in Real Estate
MPhil in Real Estate Finance
MSt in Sustainability Leadership
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Centre of Latin American StudiesMPhil in Latin American Studies
PhD in Latin American Studies
Faculty of LawMaster of Corporate Law (MCL)
Postgraduate Diploma in International Law
Master of Law (LLM)
PhD in Law
MLitt in Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies
Institute for ManufacturingMPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management
MPhil in Engineering
PhD in Engineering
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Ultra Precision Engineering
Department of Materials Science and MetallurgyMASt in Materials Science
MPhil in Materials Science and Metallurgy
PhD in Materials Science and Metallurgy
MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise
MPhil in Scientific Computing
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
Department of Medical GeneticsMPhil in Genomic Medicine
MSt in Genomic Medicine
PGDip in Genomic Medicine
PGCert in Genomic Medicine
MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of MedicineMedImmune/Cambridge PhD Programme In Biomedical Research
MRes + PhD in Cardiovascular Research
MSt in Clinical Medicine (Intensive Care) - Closed
PGCert in Clinical Medicine (Intensive Care)
MPhil in Clinical Science (Experimental Medicine)
MPhil in Clinical Science (Rare Diseases)
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
MPhil in Medical Science (Medicine)
PhD in Medicine
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
PhD in Medical Science (CIMR)
Faculty of Modern and Medieval LanguagesMPhil in European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures
MPhil in Film and Screen Studies
PhD in Film and Screen Studies
MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
PhD in German
PhD in Italian
PhD in Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
PhD in Slavonic Studies
PhD in Spanish
PhD in Portuguese
PhD in French
MRC Biostatistics UnitPhD in Biostatistics
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences UnitMPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)
PhD in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)
National Institute of Agricultural BotanyBBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of Obstetrics GynaecologyMPhil in Medical Science (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
PhD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of OncologyMPhil in Medical Science (Oncology)
PhD in Oncology
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
Department of PaediatricsPhD in Paediatrics
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of PathologyMPhil in Biological Science (Pathology)
PhD in Pathology
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC Epidemiology UnitPhD in Medical Science (MRC Epidemiology Unit)
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MRC Laboratory of Molecular BiologyPhD in Biological Science (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC Mitochondrial Biology UnitMPhil in Biological Science (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit)
PhD in Biological Science (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
Faculty of MusicMaster of Music
PhD in Music
MPhil in Music Studies
Department of PharmacologyMPhil in Biological Science (Pharmacology)
PhD in Pharmacology
HHMI PhD Programme
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Faculty of PhilosophyMPhil in Philosophy
PhD in Philosophy
Department of PhysicsEPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
MASt in Physics
MPhil in Physics
PhD in Physics
MPhil in Scientific Computing
MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
PhD in Chemistry
Department of Physiology, Development and NeuroscienceMPhil in Basic and Translational Neuroscience
MPhil in Biological Science (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience)
MPhil + PhD in Developmental Biology
PhD in Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
HHMI PhD Programme
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
Department of Plant SciencesMPhil in Biological Science (Plant Sciences)
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
PhD in Plant Sciences
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
PhD in Antarctic Studies
Department of Politics and International StudiesMPhil in International Relations and Politics
PhD in Politics and International Studies
MPhil in Public Policy
Department of PsychiatryMPhil in Medical Science (Psychiatry)
PhD in Psychiatry
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of PsychologyMPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
PhD in Psychology
MPhil in Social and Developmental Psychology
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of Public Health and Primary CareMPhil in Epidemiology
MPhil in Primary Care Research
MPhil in Public Health
PhD in Public Health and Primary Care
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical StatisticsPhD in Mathematical Analysis
MASt in Mathematical Statistics
MASt in Pure Mathematics
PhD in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
MPhil in Scientific Computing
EPSRC CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of RadiologyMPhil in Medical Science (Radiology)
PhD in Radiology
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Department of Slavonic StudiesPhD in Slavonic Studies
Division of Social AnthropologyMPhil in Social Anthropology
MRes in Social Anthropology
PhD in Social Anthropology
Department of SociologyPhD in Sociology
MPhil in Sociology (Modern Society and Global Transformations)
MPhil in Sociology (Political and Economic Sociology)
MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Media and Culture)
MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Reproduction)
Centre of South Asian StudiesMPhil in Modern South Asian Studies
Department of Spanish and PortuguesePhD in Portuguese
PhD in Spanish
Department of SurgeryMPhil in Medical Science (Surgery)
PhD in Surgery
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
MRC/Sackler Fund School of Clinical Medicine PhD Programme
MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Cambridge Institute for Sustainibility LeadershipMSt in Sustainability Leadership
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business
Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Value Chains
Department of Theoretical and Applied LinguisticsPhD in Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Department of Veterinary MedicineMPhil in Veterinary Science
PhD in Veterinary Science
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell ResearchWellcome Trust MRes + PhD in Stem Cell Biology
Wellcome Trust Sanger InstitutePhD in Biological Science (Sanger Institute)
MPhil in Biological Science (Sanger Institute)
Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
BBSRC DTP PhD in Biological Sciences
Department of ZoologyMPhil in Biological Science (Zoology)
PhD in Zoology
MPhil + PhD in Developmental Biology
MRes + PhD in Medical Science (Infection, Immunity and Inflammation)
National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Programme
HHMI PhD Programme
PhD in Antarctic Studies
EPSRC CDT MRes + PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology