2024-06-07 12:52:31 來(lái)源:中國(guó)教育在線(xiàn)
Taught Courses 授課型 課程清單[32]- Accounting and Finance(MSc)
- Advanced Clinical Practice for Health Care Professionals(PGCert)
- Advanced Legal Studies(LLM,PGDiploma)
- Advanced Mechanical Engineering(MSc)
- Analytical and Polymer Science(MSc)
- Analytical Science :Methods and Instrumental Techniques AS:MIT(MSc,PGDiploma)
- Ancient Visual and Material Culture(MA)
- Arts, Enterprise and Development(MA)
- Behavioural and Economic Science(ScienceTrack)(MSc)
- Behavioural and Economic Science(EconomicsTrack)(MSc)
- Behavioural Finance(MSc)
- Big Data and Digital Futures(MSc/PGDiploma)
- Big Data Quantitatve Methods, PAIS
- Biomedical Engineering(MSc)
- Biotechnology, Bioprocessing Business Management(MSc)
- Business(MSc)
- Business Analytics(MSc)
- Business Master's-Distance Learning(MBA)
- Business Master's-Executive(MBA)
- Business Master's-Full-time(MBA)
- Business Master's-Global Energy(MBA)
- Career Development and Coaching Studies (CDCS)(MA/PGDip/PGCert)
- Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education (CEIGHE)(MA/PGDip/PGCert)
- Chemistry with Scientific Writing (MSc,PGDip,PGCert)
- Clinical Applications of Psychology (MSc)
- Clinical Psychology with Coventry University (DClinPsych)
- Coaching (MA)
- Communications and Information Engineering(MSc)
- Computer Science(MSc)
- Continental Philosophy(MA)
- Creative and Media Enterprises(MA)
- Culture of the European Renaissance (MA)
- Cyber Security and Management(CSM)(MSc)
- Data Analytics(MSc)
- Diabetes (MSc,PGDip,PGCert)
- Diabetes, Peadiatrics (MSc,PGDip,PGCertorPGA)
- Diamond Science and Technology(MSc)
- Diamond Science and Technology1+3(MSctoPhD)
- Digital Media and Culture(MA)
- Drama and Theatre Education(MA)
- Drama Education and English Language Teaching(MA)
- e-Business Management (e-BM)(MSc)
- Early Years Initial Teacher Training
- Economics (MSc)
- Economics (Diploma/Diploma+MSc)
- Economics and International Financial Economics(MSc)
- Education(FEandSkillsSector)(PGDip)
- Educational Innovation(MA)
- Educational Leadership and Management(MA)
- Educational Studies(MA)
- Endodontics(MSc)
- Energy and Power Engineering(MSc)
- Engineering Business Management (EBM)(MSc)
- English Language Teaching(MA/PGDip)
- English Literature (MA,POGDip)
- Environmental Bioscienceina Changing Climate(MSc)
- Filmand Television Studies(MA)
- Finance(MSc)
- Finance and Economics(MSc)
- Financia lMathematics(MSc)
- FineArts(WarwickMFA)
- Food and Environmental Safety(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)
- Food Security(MSc)
- French and Francophone Studies(MAR)
- Gender and International Development(MA,PGDip)
- German Studies(MAR)
- Global History(MA)
- Global Media and Communication(MA)
- Global Shakespeare(MA)
- Health Research(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)
- Healthcare Operational Management(MSc)
- Hispanic Studies(MAR)
- History of Art(Diploma)
- History of Art(MA)
- History of Medicine(MA)
- Information Systems Management Innovation(MSc)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship(IAE)(MSc)
- Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions(MSc/PGDip)
- Interdisciplary Biomedical Research(MSc)
- Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MSc,PGDip)
- International Business(MSc)
- International Commercial Law(LLM/PGDip)
- International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation(LLM/PGDip)
- International Cultural Policy and Management(MA)
- International Development(MA)
- International Development Law and Human Rights(LLM/PGDip)
- International Economic Law(LLM/PGDip)
- International Political Economy(MA)
- International Politics and EastAsia(MA)
- International Politics and Europe(MA)
- International Relations(MA)
- International Security(MA)
- International Technology Management(INT)(MSc)
- International Trade, Strategy and Operations(ITSO)(MSc)
- ItalianStudies(MAR)
- Leadership for Healthcare(PGCert)
- Management(MSc)
- Management for Business Excellence(MBE)(MSc)
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering(MSE)(MSc)
- Marketing and Strategy(MSc)
- Mathematical Sciences(MASt)
- Mathematics(MSc,PGDip)
- Mathematics and Statistics(MSc+PhD)
- Mathematics of Systems(MSc+PhD)
- Mathematics of Systems(MSc)
- Mathematics: Interdisciplinary(MSc,PGDip)
- MBA (distance-learning,full-time,Executive,GlobalEnergy)
- MBChB (BachelorofMedicineandSurgery)
- Medical Biotechnology and Business Management(MSc)
- Medical Education(MMedEd,PGDip,PGCert)
- Modern History(MA)
- Molecular Analytical Sciences(MSc,PGDiploma,PGCertificate)
- MSc+PhD(1+3)in Molecula rAnalytical Sciences
- Orthodontics(part-time)(MSc)
- Pan-Romanticisms(MA)
- PGCE EarlyYears
- PGCE Primary
- PGCE Secondary
- Philosophy(MA)
- Philosophy(Taught/Research)2+2(MPhil)
- Philosophy and the Arts(MA)
- Political and Legal Theory(MA)
- Politics and International Studies(PAIS)DoubleMastersprogramme
- Politics and International Studies(MAinResearch)
- Polymer Chemistry(MSc)
- Polymer Science(MSc)
- Programme And Project Management(PPM)(MSc)
- Pre-Hospital Critical Care(PGCert)
- Predictive Modelling(MSc)
- Psychological Research(MSc)
- Psychology and Education(MA)
- Public Health(MPH,PGDiploma)
- Public Policy(MA)
- Religions and Education by distancelearning(MA)
- Renaissance,European(MA)-See The Culture of the European Renaissance
- Research in Film and Television Studies(MA)
- Research in Politics International Studies(MA)
- Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry(MSc)
- Scientific Computing(MSc)
- Scientific Research and Communication(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)
- Service Management and Design(SMD)(MSc)
- Socialand Political Thought(MA,PGDip)
- Social Research(MA,PGDip)
- Social Work(MASW)(MA)
- Sociology(MA,PGDip)
- Statistics(MSc,PGDip)
- Supply Chain and Logistics Management(SCLM)(MSc)
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering(MSc)
- Sustainable Crop Production:Agronomy for the 21st Century(MSc)
- Sustainable Energy Technologies(MSc)
- Teaching College-Based Highe rEducation(PGAward)
- Theatre Consultancy(MA/PGDip)
- Theatre and Performance Research(MA)
- Translation and Transcultural Studies(MA)
- Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference(MA)
- Tunnelling and Underground Space(MSc)
- UnitedStates Foreign Policy(MA)
- Urban Informatics and Analytics(MSc)
- Visual and Material Culture, Ancient(MA)
- Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece(MA)
- Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome(MA)
- Working Therapeutically with Children(PostgraduateAward)
- World Literature(MA)
- Writing(MA)
- AdultEducationandLifelongLearning(PhD)
- AppliedLinguistics(MPhil/PhD)
- AppliedLinguistics(MAbyResearch)
- BiologicalSciences(MScbyResearch)
- BiologicalSciences(PhD)
- Biosciences(PhD)
- CaribbeanStudies(MAbyResearch)
- CaribbeanStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- Chemistry(MScbyResearch)
- Chemistry(PhD)
- ChemistrywithIndustrialCollaboration(PhD)
- ClassicsandAncientHistory(MAbyResearch)
- ClassicsandAncientHistory(MPhil)
- ClassicsandAncientHistory(PhD)
- ClinicalEducation(PhD/MPhil)
- ClinicalPsychology(DClinPsych,withCoventryUniversity)
- ComplexityScience(PhD)
- ComputerScience(MScbyResearch)
- ComputerScience(PhD)
- CulturalPolicyStudies/CreativeIndustries(MPhil/PhD)
- DiamondScienceandTechnology(MSc+PhD1+3)
- DiscourseStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- Economics(MRes/PhD)
- EconomicandSocialResearchCouncil(ESRC)DoctoralTrainingCentre(PhD)
- Education(EdD)
- Education(MA/MSc)
- Education(MPhil/PhD)
- EducationandPsychology(MPhil/PhD)
- EnglishLanguageTeaching(MPhil/PhD)
- EnglishLanguageTeachingandAppliedLinguistics(MPhil/PhD)
- EmploymentResearch(PhD)
- Engineering(EngDandEngD(Int))
- Engineering(PhD)
- Engineering(MScbyResearch)
- EnglishandComparativeLiteraryStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- Filmand/orTelevisionStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- Finance(PhD)
- FrenchStudies(MAbyResearch)
- FrenchStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- GermanStudies(MAbyResearch)
- GermanStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- HealthandSocialStudies(PhD)
- HealthCare(PhD)
- HealthSciences(PhD/MSc)
- HispanicStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- HispanicStudies(MAbyResearch)
- History(MAbyResearch)
- History(MPhil/PhD)
- HistoryofArt(MAbyResearch)
- HistoryofArt(MPhil/PhD)
- IntegrativeBiosciences(PhD)
- InterculturalCommunication(MPhil/PhD)
- InterdisciplinaryBiomedicalResearch(PhD)
- InterdisciplinaryMathematics(PhD)
- InterdisciplinaryStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- Italian(MAbyResearch)
- Italian(MPhil/PhD)
- Law(MPhil/PhD)
- Law(LLMbyResearch)
- LifeSciences(PhD)
- Mathematics(PhD)
- MathematicsandStatistics(PhD)
- MathematicsandStatistics(MSc+PhD)
- MathematicsofSystems(PhD)
- MathematicsofSystems(MSc+PhD)
- MediaandCommunication(MPhil/PhD)
- MedicalPublishedwork(PhD)
- MedicalSciences(MSc/PhD)
- Medicine(MPhil/PhD/MD)
- MolecularAnalyticalSciences(MSc+PhD)
- Non-destructiveEvaluation(EngD)
- Nursing(PhD)
- Philosophy(PhD/MPhil2+2)
- Philosophy(PhD)inClassicsandAncientHistory
- PhilosophyandLiterature(PhD/MPhil)
- PhilosophyandLiterature(MAbyResearch)
- Physics(PhD/MPhil)
- PlantandEnvironmentalSciences(MScbyResearch)
- PlantandEnvironmentalSciences(PhD)
- PoliticsandInternationalStudies(PhD)
- Psychology(MPhil/PhD)
- Renaissance(MPhil/PhD)
- RenaissanceStudies(MAbyResearch)
- ScientificComputing(MScbyResearch)
- ScientificComputing(PhD)
- SocialPolicyandSocialWork(PhD)
- Sociology(PhD)
- Statistics(PhD/MPhil)
- Statistics(Oxford-WarwickProgramme)(PhD/MPhil)
- SyntheticBiology(PhD)
- SystemsBiology(PhD)
- TheWBSDoctoralProgramme(MPhil/PhD)
- TheatreandPerformanceStudies(MAbyResearch)
- TheatreandPerformanceStudies(MPhil/PhD)
- TranslationStudies(PhD/MPhil)
- UrbanScience(PhD)
- Warwick/NTUJointPhDinNeuroscience
- WarwickBusinessSchoolDoctoralProgramme
- Women’sandGenderStudies(PhD)