2024-03-31 10:49:16 來(lái)源:中國(guó)教育在線
Accounting and Finance BSc
A-level: AAA
GCSE: 5 GCSEs at grade C/4 or higher including Mathematics grade A7 and English Language grade B/6 orequivalent, or an appropriate English language qualification.* *lf you have a B/ in GCSE English Literature we will accept a Grade B/5 or C/4 in GCSE English Language.
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering BEng
A-level: A*AA including Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry, with the A* in Mathematics or Physiif presented.Where an A-level Science subject is taken, we require a pass in the practical science element, alongside thachievement of the A-level at the stated grade.
Excludes A-level General Studies or Critical Thinking
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), International Project Qualification (IPQ) and Welsh BaccalaureateAdvanced Skills Challenge Certificate (ASCC): Whilst we recognise the value of these qualifications and theffort and enthusiasm that applicants put into them, we do not currently include them as part of our offemaking, We do, however, encourage you to provide further information on your project in your personastatement.
GCSE: English Language at grade C (4) or above, or an appropriate English language qualincation.
Economics BSc
A-level: AAA
GCSE: 5 GCSEs at grade C/4 or higher including Mathematics grade A 7 and English Language grade B/6 orequivalent, or an appropriate English language qualification.* *if you have a B/6 in GCSE English Literature.we will accept a Grade B/5 or C/4 in GCSE English Language.
Computer Science BSc
A-level: AAA including Mathematics or Computing. Grade B (6) or above in GCSE Mathematics is requiredno Mathematics A-level is taken.
Where an A-level Scicnce subject is taken, we require a pass in the practical science clement, alongside th(achievement of the A-Level at the stated grade.
Excludes A-level General Studies or Critical Thinking.
GCSE: English Language at grade C (4) or above, or an appropriate English language qualification. We will accept Level 2 Functional Skills English in lieu of GCSE English.
Chemical Engineering BEng
A-level: AAA including Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Where an A-Level Science subject is taken, we require a pass in the practical science element, alongside thachievement of the A-Level at the stated grade.
Excludes A-Level General Studies or Critical Thinking
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and International Project Qualification (IPQ): We recognise the valueof these qualifications and the effort and enthusiasm that applicants put into them, and where an applicanoffers an A in the EPQ or lPO we may make an offer of AAB at A-Level with an A in Mathematics and an Ain either Physics or Chemistry.
GCSE: English Language at grade C (4) or above, or an appropriate English language qualification. We will accept Level 2 Functional Skills English in lieu of GCSE English.
Biology BSc
A-level: AAB
Including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. lf biology is the only sciencesubject then an A grade is required, Critical thinking and general studies excluded.
We accept the following:
science: biology, human biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics.Science-related: computing, environmental science, food science, geography, genlogy, PE, psychology, statistics.
Art and Design BA
A-level: ABB including an Art/Design subject. Excluding General Studies and Critical Thinking.
If you have not studied art/design at A level, we may also consider your application based on a high gradeat GCSE along with a portfolio of recent and relevant work, Please contact us for more information aboutportfolio submission.
GCSE: 5/6 A-C (or 4+) including English
Other course specific tests:
If predicted A in a relevant EPQ, alternative offer of A in EPQ plus BBB.