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2023-10-05 09:22:52 來源:中國教育在線




Independent Writing:Does modern technology help students learn more information and learn it more quickly?

Marvelous as it looks at first sight, modern technology does not help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.

First of all, one property of modern technology is latently harmful to any learning mind – it distracts. One thing we feel about when we are searching for information online is that the internet, as an outstanding example of modern technology and even regarded as the innovator of education, provides us with not only relevant results to make use of, but also external links to click. More than once I turned on my computer to check school library for resources, but ended up watching Youtube videos. In this case, computer as a representative of modern technology plays a negative role in learning information. We do acquire more information with the convenient tool, yet most of them are irrelevant and in the end procrastinating would lower our learning.

Also, students would easily become disoriented in the huge sea of information. Although modern technology could equip us with easy access to information, the huge amount of resources would actually leave us discombobulated 點擊發(fā)音. Therefore, it is only we possess information more quickly rather than we learn it more quickly. An illustrating example is my experience with a HK digital library which stores almost all the books I desire. At first I enjoyed downloading them from the database, however, one month later I ended up with hundreds of books stored in my hardware yet none of them finished or ever clicked.

Furthermore, modern technology gives students an illusion that information and real knowledge is easy to learn – just by clicking mouse or watching videos. But in fact this forms only the first step towards useful information and effective learning, as learning of any kind requires full concentration and interactive thinking, which are almost absent in the pocess of popular e-learning experience.

To summarize, modern technology does not help students learn more information and learn it more quickly, though it does make access to information and resources much more easily. The popular e-learning still lacks the concentration, depth, and interaction that are the hallmark 點擊發(fā)音 of traditional ways of educating and learning.



Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers in the news report. Do you agree? Why?


I disagree with the statement. Coz first, general public are thirsty for the information of personal lives of celebrities or movie stars. Their life style, hobbies, way of dressing, and family life are influencing the trend in general.

??In a word, those information spice up ordinary people's lives; second, a lot of celebrities or movie stars set good examples for the general public, especially young people. For example, they may attend or even sponsor philanthropic or social welfare activities;some of them adopt orphans or do volunteer activities in extremely poverty stricken areas.





General Deion:

The response fulfills the demands of the task, with atmost minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibitssustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by allof the following.


Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speechis clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciationor intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.

Language Use:

The response demonstrates effective use of grammar andvocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automat city with good controlof basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systemic)errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.

Topic Development:

Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. Itis generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear(or clear progression of ideas).


General Deion:

The response addresses the task appropriately, but mayfall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent,with some fluidity of expression though it exhibits some noticeable lapses inthe expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at leasttwo of the following.


Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity ofexpression, though minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacingare noticeable and may require listener effort at times (though overallintelligibility is not significantly affected).

Language Use:

The responsedemonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary andfairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. Response may exhibit someimprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammatical structures used. Thismay affect overall fluency, but it does not seriously interfere with thecommunication of the message.

Topic Development:

Response is mostly coherent and sustained and conveysrelevant ideas information. Overall development is somewhat limited, usuallylacks elaboration or specificity. Relationships between ideas may at times notbe immediately clear.


General Deion:

The responseaddresses the task, but development of the topic is limited. It containsintelligible speech, although problems with delivery and/or overall coherenceoccur; meaning may be obscured in places. A response at this level ischaracterized by at least two of the following.


Speech is basically intelligible, though listenereffort is needed because of unclear articulation, awkward intonation, or choppyrhythm pace; meaning may be obscured in places.

Language Use:

The response demonstrates limited range and control ofgrammar and vocabulary .These limitations often prevent full expression ofideas. For the most part, only basic sentence structures are used successfullyand spoken with fluidity. Structures and vocabulary may express mainly simple(short) and/or general propositions, with simple or unclear connections madeamong them (serial listing, conjunction, juxtaposition).

Topic Development:

The response is connected to the task, though thenumber of ideas presented or the development of ideas is limited. Mostly basicideas are expressed with limited elaboration (details and support). At timesrelevant substance may be vaguely expressed or repetitious. Connections ofideas may be unclear


General Deion:

The response is very limited in content and/orcoherence or is only minimally connected to the task, or speech is largelyunintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two ofthe following.


Consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonationdifficulties cause considerable listener effort; delivery is choppy,fragmented, or telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.

Language Use:

Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severelylimit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some lowlevel responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.

Topic Development:

Limited relevant content expressed. The responsegenerally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. Speaker may beunable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily on repetition ofthe prompt.


Speaker makes no attempt to respond OR response isunrelated to the topic.



A. General Deion

所謂總體,就是整段錄音給人的直觀印象,是直覺,是并未用細則的評分標準來判斷時的直接感受。ETS在Soring Rubic中對于總體要求的描述還是集中在“內容”層面為主。

首先,“with at most minor lapses in completeness”表明了內容完整性的重要。不要以為會流利地發(fā)音,表面上說得很流暢、沒有停頓iBT就能過關。ETS考察的是你用英語交流的能力,所以要說的讓別人能聽懂、能了解你的意思,那么意思的表達就要有首有尾,盡量形成一個complete cycle。

其次,"highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherentdiscourse"說的是表達過程中邏輯的演繹要有條理。在口語前兩題的敘述中,我們的邏輯可遵循老美常用的總分結構,一語中的。而不要用我們東方人習慣的“彎彎繞”般的“暗喻”,希望老美能猜透你的深層“精神內涵”。否則必敗無疑。

B. Delivery

Delivery部分主要關注語言本身。首先是對說話時語音、語調、語速的要求?!癎enerally well-paced flow(fluid expression). Speech is clear.”有些同學對這句話有誤讀。中國學生尤其會偏向于加快自己的語速,覺得速度越快就是越流利,就說明自己對語言的掌握越熟練。其實“Fluid expression”講的不是“快”,而是整體的“流暢”。這兩個概念是有區(qū)別的。大家可以想一下中文的環(huán)境。如果一個人說得飛快,甚至在你還沒理解前一句的情況下,他已經把第二句說完了,而且當中還夾雜著大舌之類的咬字不清,你會覺得舒服嗎?相比之下,另一個人把一件事情娓娓道來(娓娓道來的意思不是慢),當中適當還有一些停頓來讓你注意重點,你覺得他對語言的掌控相比前一個怎么樣?所以,ETS才會要求有"well-paced flow"使得speech能夠clear。


技巧1: 重音。

在一句話里總有你想強調的意思。舉個老例子,大家讀一下這句話“She always loves me.”試試看把重音每次強調在不同的單詞上,讀出區(qū)別來了嗎?這就是重音的作用,即使是同一句話,因為重音的不同,所展示的背后的邏輯也就大相徑庭。


英文說得好的人為什么讓別人聽起來會不累?因為他們都是在用“意群”表達。這就是說他們主動把一句話的意思拆成一小段一小段有重點地說給你聽,幫助你理解。所以你也會聽得津津有味,甚至覺得他思路非常清晰。我們在說話時活用停頓是很有用的,短暫的停頓會幫助把句意切成有機的整體,說出節(jié)奏感,而且起到引起注意、強調的作用。比如“The response fulfills the demands of the task / with at most minorlapses in completeness.”我們讀這句的時候,斜杠的部分要注意停頓而不能一口氣以同樣的速度讀下去。

隨后,“It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciationor intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.”我們主要討論"minor lapses"。


那碰到這樣的瞬間空白怎么辦呢?可以用一些過渡詞來填補,會顯得很自然,其實老美自己在說話時也會出現(xiàn)這樣的大腦延遲,但他們不會一言不發(fā),而用well...”,”you know…”,”I mean…”之類的話來等腦子跟上。大家也可以嘗試著練一下,熟悉這種方法以后就會覺得自己說話不會一停一停,而是很fluid。當然最后說一句,這個方法也不是萬能的,用得太多的話也會招人厭,所以要自己掌握下度。

C. Language Use

在Language Use部分我們中國學生往往要注意的不是別用詞用句太簡單,而是別用太復雜的句式。我們常常tend to use復雜的句式,一是因為從小的英文教育模式的關系,二是潛意識里認為會用從句套從句才牛,想用從句來壓死老外。誰料先被壓死的是自己。我們畢竟不是native speaker,當你口語中的句式太復雜時自己的邏輯就會被繞進去,而口語是不可能像作文那樣讓你回頭檢查好好琢磨主謂賓的。其次,老外實際說話的時候也不會用那么復雜的句式,意思表達清楚就好,太復雜反而Chinglish。


每天早上的跑步了?!睂懗蓮木漕愋涂赡苁恰癐 go for jogging every morning in the park beside my home where Ialways find interesting things that I never see when I work in office in whichmy life is always boring and frustrating that makes me love jogging in themorning even more.”但當場用口語說出這句話可能到一半就找不著北了。所以個人建議我們口語中用從句的話最多1個,防止把自己繞進去。

用嘴說的話,可能是這個版本"You know, I go for jogging every morning in the park besidesmy home. I always find interesting things there that I never see in the office.I feel the life in office is always boring and frustrating which makes me lovejogging in the morning even more.”從句和簡單句結合,意思既清楚,表達又輕松,還有節(jié)奏感。

D. Topic Development

這部分說的是我們在短短45秒內邏輯的表達。比較有效、單刀直入的結構是“總起(直接回答問題)+ 理由1+ 理由1的支持論據(jù) + 理由2 + 理由2的支持論據(jù)”,不用特意再加結尾句。

總起句不用長,直接簡單句回答問題就行。比如"My favorite city is Shanghai.", "The man I respectthe most is my father, for 2 reasons.”

理由1的第一句,也是簡單地闡述第一個支持理由。比如“First of all,Shanghai is a big city that provides me a lot of exposure and various workingopportunities.”


>> 雅思 托福 免費測試、量身規(guī)劃、讓英語學習不再困難<<

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