2023-08-02 10:45:25 來源:中國教育在線
雅思 口語part2人物技巧
人物題在整個雅思口語第二部分考試中一直扮演著男4號女8號的角色, 但是沒有這部分題目,考試還真的會讓人覺得不完整。今天小編給大家分享一些雅思口語part2人物技巧,希望對您有所幫助!
1. Name and introduction
2. Age and appearance
3. How you knew this person
4. What he did
5. How you feel about this person, Why you admire him
Describe a famous person that you are interested in
You should say
Who this person is
How you know about this person
How this person became famous
And explain why you like this person
Name and introduction
The famous person I'd like to talk about is Jay Chow, one of my favorite pop singer.
He is in his late 30s(age), and has published more than 10 albums.
All of his albums ranked highly on pop chart when they were released.
Therefore, he is considered as one of the most successful singer in the past 10 years.
How I knew this person
I still remember how I knew this person. It was about 15 years ago. I was sitting in front of the TV and watching a music program, then he sang a song called 'simple love', which had a catchy melody and really got my attention.After that I started to know more about him and then became his fan.
How he became famous(What did he do)
Actually, he showed his extraordinary talents at a young age. When he was a teenager, he started to write his original songs and perform in public. One day he was discovered by a producer when he was performing. He signed him and helped him to release his first album, which achieved an explosive success.
why you like this person
I am fond of him for many reasons.
Firstly, he has got great talents. I've listened to his songs for many years. His music can always amaze me and play an important role in my youth.
Besides, I like him also because of his caring personality.He has his own foundation and has done a lot for charity work
That's a famous person I'd like to talk about.
舉一個例子:雅思Part1話題常見題目:Do you like sports?我見過這個問題背誦超過60秒的同學!60秒考官能打斷你三次。背誦詞匯雖然有難度,但是很生硬,經(jīng)??ぃ钪匾豢淳褪潜?,打分5.5例如:如果你是肯定的答案可以進行這么思維邏輯肯定+我喜歡+具體喜歡+此項事務圍繞的時間,地點,人物等個性化事件+好處當我們同學明白了這樣一個方法論,我們看個答案:Absolutely(肯定), I am crazy about sports(我喜歡). especially, I am into swimming, basketball(具體類型). I tend to go swimming twice a week in hot summer vacation(個性化).
The sport can help me stay in shape and imporve my stamina(好處). That is why I keep doing sports on a regular basis. (總結)大家看看這個答案,語氣比較自然,詞匯難度也不難。但這就是6分的例子。你說你背得詞匯難,句子長,才5.5, 八個字:踏踏實實,避免炫技。其實6分真的不難。每一步都能有邏輯地打開。最主要有公式邏輯,好背!那公式里個性化事件,又簡單且讓考官知道了你的特點。不會拘泥于背誦的感覺。所以好的邏輯很重要,和方法論很重要。大家千萬不要就買一份答案閉門造車。很多時候,問問自己得法與否。
從著裝說起,雅思考試中著裝很重要!休閑正裝比較好!亞洲人長相一般會小于自己實際年齡,大家需要有點氣場感。敢給我低分,老子就復議!那就不要跟個小綿羊似的,但該有禮貌也得有禮貌。打招呼,告別都講究些。能不說How are you?,或nice to meet you?替換:How are you doing?或者How has life been treating you?親和力十足告別千萬別給考官講 see you,考官會對你說:see you again
肢體語言—是雅思口語考試中任何人都能做到的抒發(fā)自己感情色彩的方式??荚嚨臅r候,看著考官!不是瞪著考官,不要看天花板。 得體大方就可以,千萬不要緊張喲~~
比如:Are you working or studying-
I am working now.
How do you spend your weekends-
I spend my weekends readingand watching TV.
Do you read a lot in your spare time-
Yes, I read a lot in myparetime.
其實如若您拿著這些問題去問一個初中生或甚至是小學生,他恐怕也能非常流利的給出 這些答案的吧。既然如此,您又怎么能顯示出您的水平?jīng)Q不僅止與此哪?雅思口語的高分訣竅就是要在很短的時間內(nèi)將您的渾身解數(shù)都使出來。那么我們就要有意識 的積累一些答題的技巧,也就是如何拓長自己的答案,并且靈活運用各種句型的方法。
關于雅思口語考試第二部分考生可以從很多方面和角度來回答問題,比如 what, who, where, why, when.
例如最近考到的第二部分的題目 — “describe a type of sport”, 即可以從從事這項運動適合的人群,設備,花費和規(guī)定,以及這項運動給人們帶來的好處來回來。例如談我們熟悉額羽毛球 — badminton;年齡:It is suitable for both young and old person;類型 —— from recreational to competitive type; 設備 (equipment)—rackets, shuttles, sporting shoes and clothes;
規(guī)則和花費 ( rules and costs)—Rules: The point is scored when the shuttle touches the ground, within the lines of the court. Costs: fees for joining a club; 這項運動的益處— 心情:give you happiness and satisfaction, 健康的好處 make/ keep fit, stress reliever, burn fat and lose weight and increase your life longevity, 社交的好處 meet and have a lot of friends; 鍛煉速度和反應度: Increase speed/reflex/intelligence. 考生可以根據(jù)以上列舉的幾個方面并加以擴展來完成對這個題目的回答。
在PART 3中,好壞類類的題目出現(xiàn)的頻率非常高,這一類題目很多學生是有話可說的,但是問題在于好處或者壞處只能想到一點,所以答案內(nèi)容往往比較單一,讓人苦惱,下面我們就來跟著新東方在線閆春偉老師來學習好壞類考題的答題技巧。
1. What are the advantages of living in the city?
2. What are the disadvantages of keeping a pet?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time in a foreign country?
1. What are the advantages of living in the city?
In the city you can live a better life because there are a lot of great places to enjoy your life.
Well, I suppose there are quite a few clear benefits.
First, an obvious advantage is that you can enjoy a more colorful life.
For example, the subway will bring you a lot of convenience and the shopping malls can add fun to your life.
Second, the city can also provide you with better educational resources. You know, the schools are equipped with modern facilities and qualified teachers, which enables you to get a better education.
對于PART 3的問題,如果我們只有一個中心點,那么可以從這個中心點的對應面出發(fā),尋找第二個中心點,來擴充語言。例如:生活 VS 學習, 物質(zhì) VS 精神, 個人 VS 社會 等等。
一.雅思口語Part 1備考技巧
Part 1需要的是考生們要根據(jù)題庫里的一些話題去準備相應的單詞和表達。當考官問你最喜歡的作家時,你至少會用英文說出一些關于作家的作品。小編認為Part 1還是非常重要的,畢竟你一開口,可能雅思口語的大體分數(shù)范圍就已經(jīng)定下來了。所以考生在Part 1的回答,能夠在流利、詞匯、語音和語法當中能有一到兩個的突出表現(xiàn),一定能夠為你的雅思口語整體成績加上一分的。
二.雅思口語Part 2備考小秘訣
考生們在準備Part 2這部分時,還是需要去找一些雅思口語提卡題庫的,并且要學會照著題庫去復習才會更有針對性。練習的節(jié)奏就按照雅思口語的題卡去準備,一道題一道題的練習,并且要學會背誦一些萬能模板句型,但是卻不要全篇背誦。平時在練習的時候,就要積累一些不同題型的答題要點,但還是要側重于自由發(fā)揮,而不是偏背誦模式。
三.雅思口語Part 3備考小秘訣
在雅思口語Part 3部分,往往會以Part 2題目為背景去問一些更加偏學術或者抽象類的問題,有些問題可能會比較難于回答,這個時候考生千萬不要被震住了,因為這一個部分考官的主要目的就是把考生打回原形,看看考生在不知所措下會有什么樣的回答。那么針對Part 3考生們首先需要的就是一顆強大的內(nèi)心,其次要記住問題的答案永遠沒有對錯,一定要自信的去闡述自己的觀點,有問即答,和問題任何相關的信息都可以成為你的滿分回答。
最后一條關于雅思口語考試的小秘訣就是,當你在考場上沒有聽清考官的問題時,不要只用一個詞pardon去尋求幫助,而是要以一些句式去提問,例如:Do you mean...或Do you want me to talk about...等句式去確認問題,這樣既能體現(xiàn)出你的口語能力,還能間接的表明你是有理解部分問題的,豈不是單比一個pardon要實用的多?
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