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2023-08-16 12:33:20 來源:中國教育在線



如何準備 雅思 口語題卡

面對Part 1的新題還可以自己“胡謅八扯”一下,但是碰到新的Part 2題卡就顯得毫無頭緒,“兩眼一抹黑”了。那么如何準備雅思口語題卡呢?今天小編給大家分享一些方法,希望對您有所幫助!

雅思口語Part 2題目當中有一道題目是:

Describe a decision that made by others that you disagreed with.

You should say:

What the decision was

How it was made

What you disagreed with

And explain why you disagreed with it

題目的意思是讓大家描述一個“你不同意的別人做的決定”,大家看到這個題卡時,是不是感到很眼熟?沒錯,這個題卡跟我們去年出現(xiàn)的“Describe a difficult decision you made.(你做的一個困難的決定)”很相似,只是題干和要求有點不同。


Describe a difficult decision you made.

You should say:

What the decision was about

How you made your decision

What the results of the decision were

And explain why it was difficult to make


我們回想一下,去年大家準備“你做的決定”的時候,很多同學的思路是“要不要出國留學”,“要不要換工作”,“假期到底干嘛好”之類的讓自己“兩難”的決定。就以“要不要出國留學”這個答案來說吧,讓自己“兩難”的原因一般都是因為有一個跟自己唱反調的人來反對自己,才會需要自己經(jīng)過“深思熟慮徹夜難眠冥思苦想各種權衡”之后才做的決定,那么大家要做的事,就是要解釋為什么這個決定這么難了,其實就是分析一下在國內呆著和出國深造分別的利弊。同理,“別人做的決定”可以是讓我出國留學(一般是父母的決定),“我不同意”的理由肯定是出國留學有利弊了。我們先來看看出國留學的pros and cons。


1. be able to see the world = to travel widely and gain wide experience

2. have the chance to experience different styles of education

3. improve our language skills

4. bring out your independent nature


1. don’t need to be far away from your family

2. don’t have to spend all your parents’ savings on tuition

3. don’t have to face the challenge of studying difficult courses in a second language

4. be able to fit in with schoolmates and professors in college much easier and quicker

5. be less likely to feel lonely and helpless because your family and friends are only a cheap flight-ticket away

闡明利弊,同學們的思路是不是就比較明確了?這不僅僅是一個讓你深思熟慮“做的決定”,同時,也可以是“你不同意的別人做的決定”(父母覺得出國留學好,你不同意),而且我們可以順便把別的Part 2題卡如“Describe an important talk”也一起搞定,因為這么重要的決定,肯定是要跟家人朋友好好商量,總結起來,我們就可以在之前準備的這個Part 2答案上稍微修改一下,回答可以這么說(粗體和下劃線部分是針對不同題目的修改部分):

Well, a decision that made by others that I disagreed with/the most difficult decision I’ve ever made was whether or not I should study abroad next year. / Well, the most important talk I had so far was with my parents about whether or not I should study abroad next year.

In the recent couple of years, there’s this growing tendency among high school graduates to embark on a study abroad program. My parents wanted me to/I’ve always wanted to do the same, because it’s a good opportunity to see the world, to experience different styles education, and to improve my language skills. And for a girl who has never been far away from home, studying in a foreign country might bring out my independent nature.

But I totally disagreed with their decision. /I need to give it some careful thought before I could make the decision. I told my parents who are both open-minded about my opinions, and pointed out some disadvantages of studying overseas.

I told my mother that being in a new place by myself could be overwhelming sometimes, and it tests my ability to adapt to diverse situations. And it’s highly possible that I would feel lonely and helpless every so often, because all of my close friends and family members are on the other side of the world. I would be completely on my own, and basically everything I took for granted in the past would then be a challenge, like paying bills, opening bank accounts, communicating with fellow students, and the list goes on and on.

All of a sudden, my parents/I felt stuck. All those challenges sounded terrifying, but they really didn’t want me /I really didn’t want to give up the opportunity. They suggested me to weigh up /I weighed up the pros and cons carefully, and after some serious consideration, I finally disagreed with them. /I finally made up my mind. / I believe this talk really means a lot.

從上面的例子大家可以發(fā)現(xiàn),只要列出“決定”的pros and cons, 不管是自己同意的也好,自己不同意的也罷,最終答案都是“有理有據(jù)”的,然后再根據(jù)題目細節(jié)的不同,改編一下銜接的句子,時刻“扣題”,不要跑題,那么很多貌似“毫無頭緒”的Part 2新題都“迎刃而解”了。

仔細回憶一下,今天討論的這個“Describe a decision that made by others that you disagreed with”不僅和之前的“Describe a difficult decision you made”相似,和“Describe an important talk”雷同,也和之前出現(xiàn)過的“Describe an advice from others”和“Describe a future plan”都有異曲同工之妙。

所以同學們在準備Part 2的時候,不妨大膽展開思路,雙向思考一下同一個問題的好與壞,這樣準備充分了,就不怕遇到“無話可說”的情形了。


1. 租房的時候會涉及一些人,那我們來拓展下與其相關的詞匯:

house agent 房產(chǎn)中介;house agent 中介代理人; landlord/landlady房東(女房東);tenant/renter/roomer/lodger 房客

2. 聽力中還可能會出現(xiàn)的租房類型:

student hostel 學生公寓; dormitory 宿舍;halls of residence 集體宿舍;homestay 住在當?shù)厝思?house 自己租住;flat/apartment 公寓;cottage 平房;terrace 排屋;detached house 獨立式房屋;semi-detached house半獨立式房屋

3. 房屋內部結構和附加裝置:

garage車庫;balcony 陽臺;garden花園;fountain噴泉;swimming pool 游泳池;courtyard院子;kitchen廚房;living room/sitting room起居室;bathroom 浴室;bedroom 臥室,toilet=washroom=lavatory 廁所;laundry room 洗衣房;corridor=porch 走廊;ceiling 天花板;shutter 百葉窗;curtain 窗簾;storehouse 儲藏室;basement 地下室;fire escape 安全出口

4. 房子地理位置及周邊設施:

suburb/outskirts 郊區(qū);countryside 郊外;喜歡熱鬧;centre/downtown 市中心;urban area 市區(qū);east 東面;west 西面;south 南面;north 北面;southeast 東南;southwest 西南;northeast東北;northwest 西北

5. 與錢相關的詞匯:

rent/rental price租金;lease/sublease 分租,轉租;deposit押金;maximum rent/up to… 最高租金;minimum rent/start from… 最低租金;bills 賬單;water bill水費;gas bill 煤氣費;electricity bill 電費;phone bill 電話費; reasonable price 價格合理;cash現(xiàn)金;cheque支票;credit card信用卡;bank transfer銀行轉賬

















這里所說的直觀的詞除了簡單詞以外,還包括由簡單詞派生出來的詞,比如methodology表示“方法論”,minimize表示“最小 化”;前后綴特別明顯的詞,比如inevitable表示“不可避免的”,incompetent表示“無能力的”,undesired表示“不想要 的”;合成詞,比如counterproductive表示“反效果的”;和已知單詞長得很像的詞,無所謂科學不科學,比如dreadful表示“可怕的”,和dead很像,imitate表示“模仿”,和similar很像。諸如此類的詞匯,大家可以找到和一些比較常見的簡單詞匯的相似之處,這樣記憶起來會加深印象,不容易忘記。


發(fā)音獨特的詞包括諧音法的詞,比如merchandise表示“商品”,發(fā)音像“摸錢袋子”;音譯詞,比如intelligence表示“智 力”,是“因特爾”的商標來源;發(fā)音獨特的外來語,比如entrepreneur表示“企業(yè)家”,來自法語;含義不好并且“難聽”的詞,比如harsh表 示“嚴厲的”。

這里解釋一下最后一種“難聽的詞”。其實單詞的發(fā)音無所謂好聽與難聽,但正因為某個詞有不好的意思,讓我們感覺不好聽,既然這樣,我們直接把意 思不好的詞往難聽的角度去聯(lián)系,不斷地“惡心”地想象這個詞,最后只要有不好的感覺就是記住了。比如The climate there is very harsh和We have had an extremely harsh winter這兩個句子,我們自然可以翻譯成“惡劣的氣候”和“嚴酷的冬天”,只要知道含義不好就能理解句子。


配套詞指的是一些詞形成了整個含義范疇,這些詞通常具有類似的拼寫,或是反義詞,放在一起比較好記,如果不講全,會給人一種不完整的感覺。比如 carnivore表示“食肉動物”,herbivore表示“食草動物”,omnivore表示“雜食動物”;再比如perceptual cognition(感性認知),intellectual cognition(知性認知),rational cognition(理性認知)分別表示對事物認知的三個層次。再如horizontal(水平的),vertical(垂直的)。



明顯的 adj. apparent,clear,distinct,evident,manifest,obvious,patent,plain

真正的 adj. authentic,genuine,real

荒謬的 adj. absurd,ridiculous



話題:How do people in China feel about old buildings?

解析:首先我們可以用建筑的不同用途來對舊建筑進行分類,出于不同的目的,人們對舊建筑的態(tài)度和感受也就不一樣。一般來說,姜是老的辣,酒是陳的香,所以有經(jīng)典風格的建筑是會受到政府以及群眾的保護的;而商品樓或是住宅樓則會隨著時代變遷日新月異地更新下去。此理放諸四海而皆準,但要切題,不要忘記在答案中加上in China或者是in my countries這樣的同義替換。

Different purposes:

—commercial use, residential buildings

—historical meaning


Well, people might think differently in different situations. For instance, if the buildings have been used for commercial purpose in a long term, like shopping malls or residential buildings, then people in China will tend to put it down after it gets old. Because it might notsatisfy the businessman’s needs any more.

On the contrary, the out-of-date buildings are more likely to hinder the further development of a company. However, those buildings with historical meanings will probably be treasured by Chinese people. The government, as well, will also try their best to protect the old valuable buildings. The ancient ones can either be conserved for academic research or be opened for visitation.


話題:How do people in China feel about old buildings?


Different ages:

—the young, be keen on fashionable and modern buildings

—the old, like things to stay the same


Well, it depends. You know, people of different age have different tastes about buildings. Young people, who chase after fashionable and modern things, have little passion for the old building. Because they think it’s out of date and therefore they prefer to go to all those advanced and multi-functional buildings rather than visit the old and less developed ones. For the old, on the contrary, old buildings carry lots of memories, which they cherish more than anything. They find it so difficult to move out from a place where they have spent most of their life.


話題:Is it important to preserve old buildings? Why?

解析:這個問題并不適合分類討論和分層的方法,一開始我們就要給出直截了當?shù)膟es or no的回答。然后繼續(xù)擴充我們的思路來回答why的提問。在雅思考試中我們傾向于給出積極的答案,所以這里肯定的回答是選擇,然后從文化、藝術、國家軟實力各個方面分述原因,補充相應的細節(jié)。


—respect the traditional culture

—a form of art

—a country’s soft power


Yes, I believe so. First of all, the old buildings represent the traditional culture of our country. (Opinion1) We can learn more about our history by enjoying the ancient architecture. (detail) Also, the old buildings are a marvelous form of art. (Opinion2) They enable us to learn more about architecture and its different styles. (detail) Besides, the old building shows a country’s soft power. (Opinion3) It makes our country more competitive in the world. (detail)


話題:Do you think you were more creative when you were young?



—rich imagination, dream to be a scientist, an astronaut, a doctor and so on.

—more practical, more understanding and knowledge of the world.

參考答案:Yes, I think so. (先明確自己的觀點)When I was still a child, I have rich and even wild imagination. (開始陳述幼年時的人生經(jīng)歷)Once I dreamed to be a scientist so that I can invent new robot to replace workers in the factories. I also imagined being a female astronaut one day, sailing in the space and maybe never come back. There were many other wild dreams which were various and creative. But as I grow older, I began to think otherwise.(此處開始轉折,進入less creative的人生經(jīng)歷) I have become more practical now, because I have got more understanding of the world.

Now I know myself better than before. I know what I can do and what I can’t. And everything I do now is done for a reason. Sometimes I can’t even choose the life I like, let alone lead a creative life. So when I was young my world is still filled with creative and fantastic ideas. But not now, not any more.(最后總結句,重申一下自己的觀點,也可不加)


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