
High school students should remain in general schools until 17 years old. Onlythen can they know themselves enough to choose the specialty for their futurecareer. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Sample Answer
Some people think high school students should remain in general schools till 17years old so that they are mature enough to know what speciality is suitable for theirfuture careers.My opinion is identical with theirs.
In the first place, the policy tallies with the psychological traits of an averageteenager. An average person won't become mature enough until they reach the ageof 17 or 18. Students at the age of 17 will have a better understanding aboutthemselves. They learn to be responsible for what they decide.
In the second place, staying in high schools for longer years helps student to enlargetheir common knowledge before they choose their speciality, which enables them todiscover their real interests and strong points. With longer years in high school,students may have more experience which helps to understand life and the societyso that they may choose their speciality according to the demand of the society. As aresult, they may avoided tours.
Of course, I am not denying the merits of leaving high school earlier, before 17. Somepeople mature earlier not only psychological but intellectually. They may find quiteinappropriate for them to remain in high school until 17. Those who leave highschool earlier to receive higher education or pursue their careers will certainlypossess an apparent advantage over others who don't. Therefore, we shall allowpeople to decide for themselves according to their specific condition.
Frankly speaking, both views are well一grounded. However, if I have to choose one ofthese two, I am in favour of the first opinion that students should stay in generalschools till 17, which can ensure a sound and solid foundation for all the students tofurther their study at the tertiary level or pursue their career.
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