
More and more people are living by themselves today. What are theadvantages of livingalone? What are the disadvantages? Write an essay of about250 words explaining theadvantages and disadvantages. You come home alone after a long day at work.
You open the door toyour home. No oneis there. Is it blessed silence you hear - or echoingemptiness? Millions of people who live alone today may have either experience.Some love livingalone, yet others wish they didn't have to.
When they open that door at night, people who live alone do not haveto put up with demands or listen to someone's noise or meet anyone's dinnerdeadlines. They do not have todebate about which TV program to watch or stayoff the phone because someone else isexpecting an important call. No one elsemesses up their kitchen.
But when they are sick, no one else will bring them an aspirin orcall the doctor. Preparingdinner for one can be difficult, and eating dinnerfor one night after night can be very lonely.Perhaps no one really cares whatthey did all day. If they are feeling sad, there may be no oneto cheer themup. Some people who live alone say the worst times come when somethingverygood happens because there is no one to share the joy.
During the course of a lifetime, one may sometimes live with othersand sometimes livealone. Each way of life has its advantages. Learning to takeadvantage of them is one key tocontentmen
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